Acabado Settings Disappeared

The Acabado Settings panel may disappear from your WordPress dashboard for one of the following reasons.

1. Your Theme License has Expired

If your license has expired or you have left Project 24, you’ll need to renew your license to continue using the theme and make changes in Acabado Settings. Likewise, if you are purchasing a site that has previously used Acabado, you will need to purchase a license to use and edit the theme settings. Head over to for the latest pricing and license options.

2. Re-validate Your License

Occasionally, an update or failed routine license ping may cause your theme to deactivate. You'll need to add your license email to reactivate it. Try clearing your browser cache and then going to “Acabado Manager” and re-entering your email. Then click the “Activate” button to validate.

3. Theme Updates

Outdated theme or lingering past theme files can cause issues. Follow the tutorials below to ensure past theme files aren't interfering with your site. 

See these articles: Clean Install Acabado, Delete Duplicate Installs

4. Hosting Connection

Sometimes the hosting service may inadvertently be blocking the connection needed to validate your theme license.

See this article: License Deactivating (Hosting)

5. Plugin Conflict

In your WordPress dashboard go to Plugins > Installed Plugins and do an audit of the plugins on your site. Temporarily deactivate all plugins on your site and clear your cache. If the issue corrects re-enable the plugins one at a time to find the conflict.