Favicon Isn't Showing

If your favicon isn't appearing check these solutions.

1. Check the Image Dimensions

Favicon images should be size to 40×40 pixel image saved in either a png or jpeg format. Using an image outside of these specification will cause it to fail. 

2. Check your Theme, Cache, & Plugins

See this article for full details: Updated Post/Setting Changes Not Appearing

3. Reload the Favicon

New Site

If this site has never had a favicon loaded under any previous theme, then revisit the steps in this article: Add or Change the Favicon

Site With a Previous Favicon

If your favicon was uploaded prior to Acabado there could be lingering code from from your past theme settings that is conflicting. Follow these steps to correct the issue to reload the favicon in Acabado

  1. In your WordPress Dashboard, go Appearance > Themes and activate your old theme.
  2. Remove your favicon depending on your previous theme settings. For most WordPress free themes, go to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity and remove the favicon.
  3. Go to Appearance > Themes and click “Activate” on the Acabado theme.
  4. Go to Acabado Settings and add you image under “Favicon”. Then click UPDATE on the far right.