Using Featured Images

Acabado has two options to display featured images with your posts. Choose the one that works best for your needs.

Option 1 - Automatic Featured Images

Acabado has the option to automatically show featured images on posts. This is a globally setting and applies to all posts.

If enabled, featured images will appear at the top of each blog post.

If disabled, featured images will not appear unless added to a specific post allowing you to insert images only on select posts.  

To toggle this setting on/off go to “Acabado Settings” and uncheck the box under “Show Featured Images”.


Then click “Update” on the far right to save your changes.

Option 2 - Manual Featured Images

If you would like the ability to control which posts include featured images and specify the image used, you will need to TURN OFF the default featured image in Acabado Settings described above.

You can then place the image as desired by going to Document > Featured Image on the right of your post editor from within the post.

We recommend a 3:2 aspect ratio for featured images at 1200 pixels wide or less.
