Images FAQs

Best practices and tutorial links for using images in Acabado.


A favicon is the small icon that appears on a web browser next to the URL.

What are the Favicon Dimensions?

Favicon images should be 40×40 pixels and formatted as a png or jpg.

Can I Change My Favicon in Acabado?

Yes. See this article for instructions on adding and changing your favicon:

Featured Images

Featured images are images that appear at the top of individual blog posts. These can be turned off or on in Acabado. The featured image also appears on the homepage next to the new blog article. See this tutorial for more: Using Featured Images

What are the Featured Image Dimensions?

We recommend a 3:2 aspect ratio for featured images at 1200 pixels wide or less.

Feature Tiles

Featured tiles are visual blocks used to showcase specific posts or categories on the Acabado homepage. You can select 2-6 tiles and customize where they link.

What are the Featured Tile Dimensions?

Upload images sized exactly at 1200 pixels wide and 800 pixels high. Compressed versions will be automatically created in Acabado.

How Do I Change My Featured Tiles?

Follow the instruction in this tutorial: 

Hero Image

The Hero Image is the large focal image spanning the width of the frame directly below the logo and above the featured tiles.

What are the Hero Image Dimensions?

Hero images should be sized exactly at 1200 pixels wide and 400 pixels high.